Monday, February 11, 2013

Traveling photo ops.

I will start off apologizing for my abcence. Last week was beyond stressful both personally and professionally. This blog is supposed to be fun and light hearted and I was not in the mood for either. ;]

Onward and upward!! Because I have an amazing partner and equally amazing friends, we chose to get out of town for a portion of the weekend. It was much needed and I found some funny photo ops on our travels.

Believe it or not, I found these two gems in the same town!
Can you believe this place didn't make it?  

If you don't use the left, you will certainly need to go right!
I missed a few great photo ops along the way because we couldn't stop to get them all. Like the shack, I mean house that had about 8 Romney/Ryan signs in the yard, two of them being the really big ones. They looked to be in good shape too, like they have them stock piled to replinish them when they get damaged. Someone should really break the news to them, gently, but quickly because I am quite certain they have at least heard the news that we are going to completely lose our second ammendment right and have created a stock pile. I'd do it, but something tells me a somewhat butch tree hugger driving a Prius coming up the drive would put them immediately on the defensive.
Now now, don't go getting your panties in a bunch, if I'd seen a house with Obama/Biden signs all over the yard, I would have had something witty to say about that too. I am an equal opportunist like that. I was just not afforded the luxury of that opportunity. Leaving campaign signs up way after an election is even more tacky than leaving your Christmas lights up when its well past Valentine's. Which is quickly approaching, and I still pass houses at night that not only have them up, but turned on. What the hay people?
Now get on with your Monday and admit, you now have that Bangles song stuck in your head after reading my header. And if you didn't, you do now, because you scrolled back up to read it. AND if you don't know what the hell I am talking about, head over to youtube, look it up and gain some culture. ;]

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